Saturday, July 28, 2012

Princess Jim

So I finish singing the girls a song at bed tonight and this conversation happened...

Erin: Mama who's Princess Jim
Me (not understanding the princess part): Jim? Who's Jim?
Erin: In you song
Me: There's no Jim in my song baby.
Erin: Yes, Princess Jim. Who is he?
Me (starts to sing Daddy's Little Girl): Your the end of the rainbow...

Then it hits me, Princess Jim = precious gem! Conversation ends with me explaining what a precious gem is, kissing her on the head and waiting till I get to the steps to laugh hysterically. I ♥ my E!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"I can't tell you!"

This statement is uttered at least once a day by E when responding to the question, "Did you poop?". Translated it means, "Why yes Mother, I did defecate recently. How good of you to notice."

E is pip! She brings a smile to my face at least a million times a day. It is why, since the moment of her birth, I have called her sunshine. She revels in this nick name. She gets pissed when K tries to claim it as her own. SHE is mommy's sunshine.

E is the kid in ballet shoes with dirt on her face and stains on her clothes. You can't pin E to any one category. She is just E. She is fearless but afraid of the bad guys in every movie, show or storybook. She is clumsy but gracefully moves through dance class each week. She is independent yet clings to my leg in every public setting. She is E, my sunshine.

Her favorite thing is to ask for "huggies". Arms stretched high, smile wide across her perfect little face, fingers wiggling in the air she reaches for you. And those "huggies" are full of force. You cannot feel anything but love when she has her arms wrapped around you.

I think I'm going to teach her the phrase, "From the top!" as she constantly forces her father or I to begin again various songs we are singing before bed so she can sing along. And heaven help you if you don't.

E is enjoying being two. She is insistent and stubborn. She knows what she wants and what she doesn't. E will sing it from the roof tops too! And there is no consistency. Today, pizza is a delicacy and tomorrow it's swill. We never know what will catch her fancy from one day to the next. Daddy and I are just along for the ride.

E is sweet. She loves to play pretend. Whether it is ponies or princesses they all live communally in her little world. She has also picked up my love for reading and will sit for hours turning pages of books and telling herself stories. Or will curl up in your lap and listen with rapt attention.

She runs everywhere she goes, arms swinging and hair flying. And she is all mine. I don't know what I did to deserve her but she's mine and I am eternally grateful for that!

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Mom, I just want to tell you something."

K is the Princess of avoiding the task at hand. Whether it's cleaning up toymagedon or going to bed at night, K will do just about anything to avoid what she doesn't want to do. Lately, this has come in the form of a sweet little smile and a seemingly innocent, "I just want to tell you something." There could not be a more loaded statement on Earth at this moment. Responding with any semblance of interest will drag you into a time suck to rival no other.

Take today for example. K is supposed to be cleaning up toymagedon right now. (Heck, I'm supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen so maybe the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.) She recently came out of the playroom (read: former dining room) to "tell me something" and I stupidly replied with "What?" I know, I know, don't engage. Too late, commence time suck.

She sits on the floor because this very important news is exhausting to share and must be done seated. She stares off into space trying to come up with something worthy enough to merit stopping the current search and rescue mission for Strawberry Shortcake and her friends amidst the rubble. All the while she smiles that impish grin and then produces this gem.

K:  "Mommy, what season is it?"
Me: "Winter."
K: "What comes after winter?"
Me: "Spring." (See, I'm keeping it to one word responses. All is not lost.)
K: "Well, you need to take down all the snowmen in there because it's almost spring." **impish grin**
Me: "That was so sweet of you to come up with a job for me to do K. How about you get done what you need to first and then we'll worry about the snowmen."

Currently, K has stopped at least five more times. Once to share a great idea she had for cleaning up. (Which, she has failed to implement yet.) Twice to use the potty and two more times to entertain B. B of course starts smiling and I feel like the Wicked Witch of the West breaking up the lovely sisterly bonding going on but send her scurrying I must.

And now, I sit here trying not to laugh out loud as K aimlessly wanders amongst the toy related carnage singing about her hair band. Laughing would be a major sign of weakness.


Every since K was born, I have wanted to write a journal about her life. Fast forward five years and add two more little girls to the equation and you get a dusty journal with nothing written in it. I've jotted little notes to them about their year each Christmas and placed them inside an ornament just for them but that's about it. You don't even want to see the baby books.

I guess I just want a place to write down the cute moments and memories. Or a place to record proof of the wonderful insanity they brought to each day of my life so they can't act like it didn't happen years from now. (Like how K and E are totally ignoring the fact that they are supposed to be cleaning up the toy explosion in our dining room right now.)

As the title clearly states, I have 3 little girls. K just turned five, E is two and B is 3 months old. They have certainly made life a lot more interesting (read: crazy) for my husband and I. If anything, I want this blog to serve as place for me to record the little things that make up our days. Moments that don't always require the video camera but deserve a place to be saved. Those cute things they say or do that I don't want to forget.

I want it to be a place to muse and reflect about how my life spun into a world of tutus and princesses. How my once functional dining room became a den of dolls and ponies. To remember what it was like when 3 Little Girls ruled my world because I'm sure I will miss it. Well... one day I will.